The Home of Paul Cézanne: Aix-en-Provence + Avignon
Aix was the nice warm sunny weather I needed. Located in the south of France, the climate reminded me a lot of hot hot California. The food was clearly more Italian-inspired (and cheaper!) than Grenoble and our first morning there (Saturday morning), there was a massive outdoor market with clothing, fresh food, and flowers. Aix was most identifiable by two things: its fountains (everywhere) and the ochre-toned stone/wash that covers nearly every building. And yes, it looked a lot like Cézanne's paintings.
Day 1 was spent in Aix-en-Provence and Day 2 in Les Baux-de-Provence/Avignon while passing through a few other towns.
Trip highlights:
1. Crazy delicious pizza for 2 euros for 1/4 pizza
2. The Carrières de Lumières (more on this below)
3. Pope's palace and Roman ruins
Day 2 held one of my favorite things from all my time in France: Les Carrières de Lumières (aka the quarries of lights). An old quarry was converted into a massive underground display that projects images and music that immerses you completely. It was an incredible, indescribable feeling. Les Carrières de Lumières goes on my peace list: what's that? A list of places where I've felt the most at peace, rejuvenated, in awe. This is now one of my most loved places in the world.
Day 2 held one of my favorite things from all my time in France: Les Carrières de Lumières (aka the quarries of lights). An old quarry was converted into a massive underground display that projects images and music that immerses you completely. It was an incredible, indescribable feeling. Les Carrières de Lumières goes on my peace list: what's that? A list of places where I've felt the most at peace, rejuvenated, in awe. This is now one of my most loved places in the world.
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